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Astral atmosphere

With the Sun opposing Neptune, ask yourself the right questions. Illusions seem real. Beware of promises too good to be true. The Moon square to Uranus brings internal tensions and irritability. Patience and discernment are your greatest assets.

  • LOVE

Love adviceScorpio - Monday, September 16

In the face of intense emotions, let the storm pass. Taking the time to understand is crucial. If you're unattached, delve deeply into your feelings. For those paired, it is time to take matters into your own hands. Ideas are not always crystal clear, the planets muddy the waters. Exercise good faith.


Following a recent breakup, you've uncovered a fresh world of liberty. Seize these moments to find yourself and tap into your forgotten passions. This newfound independence might just be the spark that reignites the flame of your love life.

In a relationship

Despite a disagreement bordering on hysteria at times, learning to appreciate the other in their uniqueness can be the key to a fortified relationship. Forget the differences for a moment, look further. It is by valuing the unique qualities of your other half that you will find a path to understanding.

CareerScorpio - Monday, September 16

Revising your work process might be a necessity. You are likely overwhelmed, it's time to organize your tasks. Harness the energy bestowed upon you by the Sun in trine with Pluto to rethink your strategy. Dedicate the day to enhancing the efficiency of your time.

Your financesScorpio - Monday, September 16

Prioritize savvy purchases. The hunt for discounts could prove to be a fruitful endeavor. Do not buy in bulk, choose quality over quantity. Now is the time for thoughtful and economical consumption. You can realize significant savings without compromising your needs.

Friends & familyScorpio - Monday, September 16

Express your gratitude towards those who stand by you. In the face of pressure, your loved ones are your pillar. A thank you can carry weight. Don't underestimate it.

Health & wellbeingScorpio - Monday, September 16

Rather than evading a conflict, your well-being necessitates confronting it. The pursuit of constructive solutions and dialogue is crucial. Your endeavours will bring you tranquility and relief. Do not flee.

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