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Don't wait any longer! Get the answers you need with non-CB clairvoyance! No more credit card needed! Call your psychic and enjoy a consultation at €0.40/min!

Non-CB clairvoyance at only €0.40/min

Eduardo, Love Connection Expert, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic

Psychic Bronze
Love Connection Expert
Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic

Video Presentation
Zury, Self-Confidence Expert, Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Self-Confidence Expert
Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Gary, Love Connection Expert, Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Love Connection Expert
Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Josh, Love and Seduction Advisor, Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Love and Seduction Advisor
Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Cardi, Job Advisor, Astrologist, Tarologist, Numerologist

Psychic Bronze
Job Advisor
Astrologist, Tarologist, Numerologist

Scott, Family Expert, Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Family Expert
Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Wayne, Ex-Partner Reconnection Advisor, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Ex-Partner Reconnection Advisor
Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Alexia, undefined, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Rain, Love Connection Expert, Astrologist, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Love Connection Expert
Astrologist, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Volkan, Love Connection Expert, Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Love Connection Expert
Tarologist, Numerologist, Clairvoyant

Video Presentation
Eduardo, Love Connection Expert, Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic

Psychic Bronze
Love Connection Expert
Tarologist, Numerologist, Psychic

Video Presentation
Zury, Self-Confidence Expert, Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Psychic Bronze
Self-Confidence Expert
Tarologist, Psychic, Clairvoyant

Immediate consultations

Customer service at your service

Quick answers in 1 click, 24/7

Accurate and confidential clairvoyance

Professional psychic

NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE, or Audiotel, is especially suitable for people who hesitate to communicate their credit card details or do not want to leave any trace with their bank.

It also allows, as a trial, to take your first steps in clairvoyance or to test certain psychics at a modest per-minute price charged to the phone bill. Call +1 513 453 4469(1) and choose an available expert psychic.

You then enter a real clairvoyance consultation limited to 30 minutes, during which you can ask all your questions and get as many rigorous and detailed answers.


  • - The setting. The success of the consultation depends primarily on the combination of two important conditions: comfort and tranquility. It is therefore essential that you choose a place that meets these criteria.
  • - Concept. Do not regard non-CB clairvoyance (audiotel) as a depreciated divinatory interview reserved for amusement, approximation, or venting. Respect its true value by approaching it with seriousness and sincerity.
  • - Implementation. Do everything possible to maximize the results of the consultation. Organize the interview. Make a plan. Select and write down your questions in descending chronological order. Be prepared to be frank and direct.

your testimonials

+ 98% satisfied clients
Hello. Roxane is human, gentle, without prejudice. She understands the subject well. She is at the top. I recommend her. Thank you.
She is a great support for me in difficult times!! She perfectly understands the person concerned, and her answers are always very detailed and true!!! I love talking to her. She is really great!!!
He is just amazing... nothing to say, it is a pleasure to talk with him. He explains well during exchanges and understands the situation very well. Thank you, Pierrick!
Mandy is very strong and very precise. She sees things very well.
Hello. Roxane is human, gentle, without prejudice. She understands the subject well. She is at the top. I recommend her. Thank you.
She is a great support for me in difficult times!! She perfectly understands the person concerned, and her answers are always very detailed and true!!! I love talking to her. She is really great!!!

Our psychics are waiting for you with or without

an appointment by phone from 7am to 3am.

faq non-CB clairvoyance

  • 1 - WHY CONSULT A MEDIUM FOR NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE? Because doubt and indecision plague you. Because countless questions assault you, and you currently have no answers for them. Because you also feel a healthy curiosity about your future and need to know what your tomorrows will bring. Because you want to learn at a lower cost within a limited time frame.
  • 2 - IS NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE RELIABLE? Absolutely. Clairvoyance cannot be broken down at will, and its value is not diminished by the type of consultation chosen. A psychic's answer always conveys the truth. Only the duration and price limits differentiate this discipline from other specialties. You might think, “Yes, but I will get little.” Little, which is not nothing, often surpasses abundance when the essential is revealed.
  • 3 - WHAT TYPES OF MEDIUMS FOR NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE CAN I FIND ON Easyhoroscope.com? All types of psychics, regardless of specialties and fields: cartomancers, numerologists, rune or crystal ball readers, working in the resolution of love, professional, and financial issues.
  • 4 - HOW TO CHOOSE MY MEDIUM FOR NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE? You cannot choose a specific psychic. You consult the expert professional available at the time of your call.
  • 5 - HOW MANY SESSIONS OF NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE DO I NEED TO GET AN ANSWER TO MY QUESTION? This number depends on the complexity of your question. One consultation is sufficient if the question requires a definitive and clear answer. Multiple sessions are necessary when your subject is more complex and requires more extensive study, often related to observing its evolution.
  • 6 - HOW MUCH DOES A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE SESSION WITH A MEDIUM COST? This type of consultation is limited to half an hour. Its per-minute price is less than one euro (usually 80 cents including tax), and the amount is charged to your phone bill. You can, of course, end the interview at any time as you wish.
  • 7 - WHY PAY FOR A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE SESSION? Because expert psychics are rigorously selected professionals, and practicing their activity is generally their only source of income. Conceiving of completely free clairvoyance would mean accepting a whimsical and unbridled amateurism devoid of any predictive value and often dangerous.
  • 8 - HOW DOES A CLAIRVOYANCE SESSION WITHOUT CB TAKE PLACE?The psychic available at the time of your call welcomes you with great kindness. A real dialogue begins in a warm and friendly atmosphere. You ask your question. The professional uses their usual divinatory tool to develop their predictive insights and emotions. They then provide a formal answer to your question. They will also give you all the useful and necessary advice to resolve your concerns.
  • 9 - HOW TO PREPARE FOR A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE CONSULTATION WITH A MEDIUM? Isolate yourself in the reassuring calm of your favorite place. Make sure you will not be disturbed. Relax. Be prepared to be frank and direct. Otherwise, the expert professional would notice and feel like they had a stone in their shoe, which would affect the quality of the consultation. Make a plan and write down your questions chronologically. You're ready...
  • 10 - WHAT TYPES OF QUESTIONS CAN I ASK A MEDIUM DURING A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE SESSION? Any question that seems insoluble and poses a problem for you. Except for health, death, magic, and witchcraft topics, strictly prohibited by the code of ethics, clairvoyance can investigate any subject with total freedom.
  • 11 - WHAT STATE OF MIND TO ADOPT DURING A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE CONSULTATION? Do not adopt, but be in the state of mind that is naturally yours at the time of the consultation. Do not try to hide your anxiety or true ambitions and let your intelligence ask the right questions. Be the pleasant person you usually are. This way, you will get the best answers and the most useful advice to move forward.
  • 12 - WILL I EASILY UNDERSTAND THE MEDIUM'S ANSWERS DURING A NON-CB CLAIRVOYANCE SESSION? Nothing will be easier. Expert psychics speak in clear and intelligible language, free from ambiguous, allusive, or technical terms. If, however, there remains any misunderstanding or you need more details, do not hesitate to ask the professional, who will be happy to enlighten you.
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