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Taurus 2016 Horoscope


Taurus 2016 Horoscope


With the Venus/Saturn duo square Neptune, you will prove to be pretty unstable this January. On the sentimental front first, where huge disagreements will cause chaos. Then in the workplace, where you will fall out with your boss. Handing in your resignation could even be on the cards. Choices will have to be made in both domains!


My Taurus friend, the Venus/Mars sextile will be an excellent coach on the professional front. You will be able to aim high this February. Things will be more complicated with your family under the square of Uranus. Old arguments will come back to haunt you. In love, you will have to wait until the 15th to notice some form of improvement…


For you, Mars will be synonymous with success, especially in love! Indeed, the Venus/Saturn sextile present in your sentimental sky will make you more charming than ever. My Taurus friend, the help of Venus will also allow you to look after your finances more efficiently, as you will become a real expert when it comes to managing your money!


A very dissonant Venus will take great pleasure in confusing you on the sentimental front. In fact, it will be its favorite hobby this month! You will have to be extremely honest if you want to make it through April unscathed. Thanks to the Jupiter/Pluto trine, you will be able to attend a very useful seminar in the workplace. Your finances will be pretty encouraging.


It’s amazing how far your money will stretch this month! Indeed, with the transit of Uranus in May, you will make original yet very fruitful investments! The Venus/Sun duo will make you realize how important the role of your partner is by your side. Better late than never…


Benefiting from positive planetary influxes, things should go well with your family during this month of June. Getting on well with the people around you, you will feel extremely well supported. In love, you will be able to count on the Moon/Mercury conjunction. More sensitive than usual, you will be able to find the right balance on the sentimental front.


Once again this month, your family will be put under the spotlight. Mars will highlight the importance of your children, if you have any. Your communication skills will be second to none. Under the influence of the Venus/Mars trine sextile Jupiter, you will be wealthier, both financially and intellectually speaking, than ever before!


Your career will be under the attack of the Venus/Mars square in August! Your job could even be on the line this month! You will have to learn how to walk on eggshells. Think about saving up instead of throwing your money away. You could need it later! The new Moon will spice up your sentimental exchanges.


Under the Moon/Jupiter conjunction in September, improvement will be on the cards as far as your finances are concerned. You will earn more than you will spend. It’s a miracle! A few problems could affect your relationships with some of your closest friends. You could struggle to cope with some petty words of criticism…


As far as your love life is concerned, the Sun/Jupiter conjunction will bring positive change your way. Such a trend will be highlighted by your new sentimental aspirations. In the workplace, the presence of the Venus/Neptune trine will hold you back. Relationships with your colleagues will be at a standstill.


My Taurus friend, one last push will be required from you this November in order to finish off the year in spectacular fashion on the professional front. The Venus/Uranus trine will have an extraordinary impact. It looks like Christmas will come early this year as far as bringing your projects to completion is concerned. You will receive your gifts before the end of the month…


For this final month of the year, the Moon/Venus conjunction will almost exclusively take care of your sentimental life. If you are single, you will meet someone who will change your relationship status. If you are in a relationship, you will be able to blossom and fulfill all of your desires…
