Free Daily Horoscope

Aquarius Sign of the Zodiac


The influx of the Sun in Aquarius is difficult to define. It’s a combination of influences from the Sun, Uranus and the 11th House.

It is most likely that one way or another you will follow a path that is uncommon: you’re mostly the type of person who has a complicated nature that people find difficult to understand – most of the time anyway – unless we’ve know you for a long time. Generally, you’re opposed to any form of violence and you’re subject to romanticism especially in your love life. You have a strong desire to know others and to unit yourself with them in a calm way with a mutual understanding but often you’re the one who stops this desire to be possible. Despite your best qualities such as modesty and humility you don’t tolerate the smallest contribution from someone else in your business and you freak out at the smallest objection. You reject being part of a category, an organization, a conventional or bureaucratic institution. On the contrary, you have a tendency to get involved in every new spiritual or industrial initiative, and sometimes even initiatives to do with sports.

You have an intuitive perception of the nature of things and this puts you in contact with the forces and ideas of the spiritual kingdom which makes you, when the occasion presents itself, join a new advanced cult or adopt new healing methods such as naturopathy or electrotherapy.

Your lucky numbers


Your color

Purple or violet. Purple is the delicate link between pink and violet. Violet has the reputation to promote concentration and spiritual quests, which invites a ravishingly Aquarius. Aquarius women dressed in purple won’t go unnoticed. This color will make them look attractive and dangerous. The men that they will attract will be either eccentric or courageous and the luckiest will be both at the same time. Take them on only if you can.

Your biggest fault

Utopist and a hard-headed reformer.

Your best quality

High taste for freedom.

Your career

Journalist, film artist.

Your aspirations

You live only for moving on from the present, you’re all hope and on a quest of a reality that still needs to be revealed. If it wasn’t for your connection to the human species you would have joined the Milky Way a long time ago. For this fundamental reason, you risk not always embracing the shadow of who you are. We say that Aquarius usually wipe the slate clean on a significant portion of their lives. You know now that you’re not looking for a state of mind but you have a part to play in the cycle of life.
