Free Daily Horoscope

Capricorn 2020 Horoscope


Capricorn 2020 Horoscope


An army of planets in your sign fills you with energy and supports your initiatives. You will feel on top of your game from a physical point of view! But your brain could struggle to keep up with your body… Get enough sleep at night and cut down on coffee! Give meditation or yoga a try, and go for walks outdoors.


Mercury retrograde in Pisces could trigger misunderstandings this month. Check your inbox very regularly and be careful not to lose important documents! You could also forget to communicate a crucial piece of information in the workplace… Pay more attention to what you’re doing if you don’t want to make a regrettable mistake!


Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your sign will fill you with energy and encourage you to put your money where your mouth is. Pick up the phone, switch your laptop on and start looking for a new job if you’re no longer happy with your situation. Be brave enough to get out of your comfort zone: it’s now or never!


Mars and Saturn dropping their bags in Aquarius will fill you with energy. You will come up with plenty of great ways to give your income a boost this month. Learn how to plan ahead as far as your budget is concerned. Your bank balance is never more than a click away. Using a banking app will revolutionize your life!


The Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus will give your creative skills a boost. You will come up with all kinds of great ways to give your income a boost! Some of you could decide to trade stocks or gamble online. As far as your sentimental life is concerned, you won’t know what to do: you like someone, but you’re afraid to commit to them!


Mercury retrograde in Cancer will have a negative impact on your relationships. Your communication skills will leave a lot to be desired, and misunderstandings could cause you to fall out with your lover or collaborators. You will be criticized for bottling up your feelings… Why do you wait until you’re about to explode to talk about what you’re unhappy with?


Mars staying in Aries for the next six months will have a negative impact on your family relationships. You will spend most of July arguing with loved ones! Repair works at home could also take a lot longer than planned… You’ve spent the last few months bottling up your feelings, but enough is enough: you won’t be bullied into keeping quiet anymore!


The transit of Venus in Cancer must encourage you to pay more attention to your significant other. If you’ve been neglecting your partner for months, this is the perfect time to remind them exactly how much you care about them. Ignore your lover’s little imperfections, for a change! Realize how lucky you are to have them in your life.


The Sun in Virgo will support you and make you feel like exploring new horizons. Going travelling would do you a world of good! If you can’t physically go anywhere, reading a good book will give your brain the respite it desperately needs. Broaden your mind and get out of your comfort zone: the future belongs to the curious!


Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will slow one of your projects down. You will realize that it’s simply not ready to be launched in its current form. Roll your sleeves up and be prepared to work hard on this idea of yours this month. Keep on believing in yourself and don’t give up on your dreams, my Capricorn friend!


The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio will highlight how important your friends are to you. Try your best to spend time with people you haven’t seen much of lately. Go out for a beer, a cocktail, a cup of coffee or something to eat as often as possible with people who mean the world to you. Socializing will do you a world of good!


Jupiter and Saturn moving to Aquarius will spend the next few months looking after your finances. Investing in real estate would be a particularly good idea, my Capricorn friend. This is a perfect time to buy a property, whether you want to live in it yourself or rent it out. Your income should soon be given a nice little boost!
