Free Daily Horoscope

Libra 2018 Horoscope


Libra 2018 Horoscope


You will have no choice but to spend a considerable amount of money on things you hadn’t planned for! Your house or family could prove extremely costly this month… Not ideal just after Christmas! It’s time to tighten your belt… You’d do anything for the people you love!


Love is in the air! If you’re single, you could meet someone special while out with friends! Someone who shares the same passions as you. Someone who loves going out and having fun as much as you do. Great news! Just when you needed something to help you clear your mind…


A busy workload puts your energy level to the test in March! You will spend most of your time in meetings or replying to emails this month! And you’re not afraid to raise your voice if things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like them to… You could run out of patience at some point during March!


In a relationship, you can expect arguments and heated exchanges with your partner. You two cannot agree on how to spend your money! Your other half will criticize you for spending too much on things you don’t need. Their priorities are so different from yours! Bored of being shouted at, you could lose your temper…


A new passion could lead you to redefine your priorities! A burgeoning love story, an artistic hobby, a newly-discovered sport…Any excuse is a good one to break your routine! Enjoying new experiences is something that helps you feel happy and alive… Something you really need these days!


You’re so in love that you could forget about everything else in your life this month! Be careful not to land yourself in hot water if you overlook your usual responsibilities in the workplace as a result… Contrary to what a famous song once claimed, love ISN’T all you need!


Be ready to party with your friends this summer, as you haven’t seen much of them over the last few months! Go out for a picnic, invite them over for a BBQ or meet up for a drink downtown… Anything as long as you get to be with your pals! Don’t worry, they will quickly forgive you for your recent lack of availability!


In a romantic and sensual mood, love will pretty much be the only thing on your mind this month! But your duties and responsibilities will soon catch up with you… Your children, friends and family are all relying on you this summer!


Did you not have the chance to recharge your batteries this summer? You’re exhausted! You find the mere idea of having to go to work again mentally draining. And to top it all off, unexpected situations will need dealing with in the workplace. When is your next break again?


Your energy levels are on the up! Play sports or give physical activities, such as dancing for instance, a try in order to channel your excess of energy. Being active will not only help you stay in shape, but it will also prove a great way to empty your mind! Essential, with everything that’s been happening around you recently!


Passion could get the better of you! You’re terrified of not being able to keep your feelings under control. You’re clearly attracted to someone, but do you see that person as an opportunity to have some fun or a potential long-term partner? Find out the answer before making your move…


You want to feel useful, to try your best to make the world a better place! Donating some of your time and money to a charitable organization will appeal to you this month. You want to help the people who are less fortunate than you at this festive time of the year!
