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Libra 2019 Horoscope


Libra 2019 Horoscope


You will be under attack from every planet other than Jupiter, the only one standing on your side. Your love life will be chaotic, and your partner could criticize some of your recent actions or decisions… Not enjoyable, but at least you will be given the chance to give your side of the story. Don’t let anyone walk all over you this month!


The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius will brighten up your sentimental life. Yet, you will not exactly be in a romantic or sensual mood this month… Of course, your ego still enjoy being hit pretty much everywhere you go! Give love a chance, you could be pleasantly surprised. Happiness is within touching distance!


Mercury retrograde in Pisces will make life harder for you. Expect delays, breakdowns and misunderstandings in the workplace. Besides, you will run out of energy worryingly quickly this month. Stay away from stressful atmospheres and poisonous individuals: they’re having a seriously negative impact on your physical health!


Mars in Gemini will give your projects a new lease of life and encourage some of you to travel. You will be in the mood to explore new horizons and discover new things. Meeting new people and experiencing unusual situations will be a great way to break your routine. This might be the perfect time to make a life-changing decision!


The transit of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus in Taurus will put the stress on your financial resources. Plenty of you will consider taking out a loan or discuss ways to invest their savings. Buying a property could, for example, lead you to apply for a mortgage. Could you split the cost of such a huge investment with someone you trust?


The Sun and Venus in Gemini invite you to travel and fall in love. If you go on vacation abroad, you will meet someone special if you’re single or make incredible memories with the love of your life if you’re in a relationship. Laughing helps forget about your problems and recharge your batteries. Go crazy this month!


Under the transit of the Sun and Venus in Cancer, opposite Saturn in Capricorn, you will find yourself in a tense and awkward situation. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, or between your family duties and professional responsibilities to be more precise, you will find it difficult to cope with life. Don’t feel bad for letting a few people down!


The Sun, Venus and Mars in Leo will support your projects. Impressively proactive, you will surround yourself with friends ready to help you bring your ideas to life. The end of the month could be slightly trickier, however. Those same planets in Virgo will suck all the life out of you. You will have no other option but to rest and recharge your batteries!


With the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo, you will feel far from your best in the office following your much-enjoyed summer break. You have so many things to do, but barely enough energy to stay awake… Life is so unfair! Slow down and book a few days off if you can. You need to look after yourself, my Libra friend!


The Sun and Mars in your sign will perk you up. You will be so active and dynamic that you feel like a brand-new person this month! You will be unstoppable, and trying to stand in your way will be an incredibly bad idea. You will be a lot more bullish than usual… Be careful not to go too far, my Libra friend!


Venus and Jupiter meeting up in Sagittarius could indicate that you or one of your siblings will get married, or that you will sign an exciting and lucrative contract this month. In any case, your finances will be given a welcome boost this November: you should make a fair bit of money right before what is normally the most expensive time of the year!


Jupiter joins Saturn in Capricorn and encourages you to make a life-changing decision this month. You could move in with your partner, buy a house or even start a family! You will not hesitate to spend a lot on money on trying to make your home as cozy and comfortable as possible. Some of you could even decide to work from home!
