Free Daily Horoscope

Pisces 2019 Horoscope


Pisces 2019 Horoscope


The Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Capricorn, as well as Mars and Uranus in Aries, will encourage you to invest your savings in real estate. Be careful not to be taken for a ride, carefully read the small print and ask people you can trust for advice before you sign anything! Nobody can buy a property without the help of a good lawyer…


With Mars in Taurus, you will be impressively dynamic and focused on your objectives. Proactive, you will spend a lot of talking to people or filling out paperwork this month, especially if you are looking for a job. Someone you know should help you find a position that suits you, as long as you’re not afraid to admit the fact that you’re unemployed!


Mercury retrograde in your sign will negatively affect your relationships this month. You can also expect your computer or the IT system you rely on in the workplace to break down. You will find it really hard to make yourself understood, and some of the things you will say could seriously offend the people around you. Watch your mouth!


Mercury, Venus and Neptune in your sign will truly brighten up your life this month. Most of you will be in love or incredibly happy with their current situation. You’re so close from the life you’ve always dreamt of! But be careful, just because you feel great doesn’t mean that you should start spending your money like it’s going out of fashion!


The transit of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus, as well as the arrival of Mars in Cancer, will put you in a romantic and sensual mood. Desperate to love and be loved, you will look for someone to kiss and cuddle all-day long this month. Some of you could even meet their soul mates this May… Your life will never, ever be the same again!


With Mercury and Mars in Cancer, you will not be afraid to raise your profile and show how different from most people you really are. You will come up with creative ways to spice and brighten up your professional routine this month. Those of you who have children will teach them the importance of being respectful of everybody around them.


The Sun and Venus in Cancer will stimulate your feelings. In a loving and caring mood, you will enjoy bonding with your family, your children if you have any, or even a new lover if you’re still single. In a playful mood, you will make the most of what life has to offer, especially if you have a vacation planned with your family or partner!


The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Leo will put the stress on your everyday duties and responsibilities. September is upon us, and you haven’t registered your kids to their new school or figured out who is going to mind them when you go back to work yet. What are you waiting for? Once again, your creativity will dig you out of a hole or two this month…


The Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo will force you to take other people’s opinion into account, at home like in the workplace. You won’t always feel free to do or say what you want, and you could find it hard to express yourself at times this month. Be patient and calmly explain your ideas to the people around you!


The Sun and Mars in Libra will help you start a new chapter of your life. You feel like an important change needs to be made. Some of you will get a new haircut or change the way they dress, while others will hang out with a completely different crowd or start a new life in another city… You want to explore new horizons and make choices that liberate you!


With Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, your life may never be the same again. You could decide to set up a new professional partnership, get married or turn one of your artistic gifts into a profitable career! You will raise your social status and become a role model for everyone around you. A move abroad could even be in the cards!


Jupiter joining Saturn in Capricorn will help you move your projects forward. You will receive the help and support of people who have been in your position before. You are so proud to be involved in a something that benefits your local community. You don’t mind working around the clock to make the world we live in a better place!
