Free Daily Horoscope

Pisces 2020 Horoscope


Pisces 2020 Horoscope


With Venus in your sign and an army of planets in Capricorn, you will get the year off to a wonderful start! You will be surrounded by people who love you and know how to make you feel special. Your friends will be incredibly important to you, especially in the workplace: they will encourage you to smile and believe in yourself!


Mercury retrograde in your sign will urge you to be very careful when talking to the people around you this month. Freudian slips and verbal blunders will be in the cards! Also, try your best not to lose important documents. You will be a lot likelier than usual to make mistakes in the workplace too…


The Sun, Mercury and Neptune in your sign will give your intuition a boost. Put your fantastic ideas into practice in the workplace. Grab the chance to move your projects forward! With Venus and Uranus meeting up in Taurus, one of your contacts could also have a wonderful surprise for you: what a beautiful month!


Venus staying in Gemini for several months will put the stress on your family. Try your best to share your feelings with your loved ones. They find it so hard to understand why you’re so quiet all the time! Learn how to open up and talk about your emotions: you will instantly feel a lot closer to those who mean the world to you!


The Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus will give your communication skills a boost. You will often be asked to act as peacemaker both at home like in the workplace this May. You’re so sensitive and understanding by nature! Your problems-solving skills are second to none, too: you’re a genius in your own little way, my Pisces friend!


Mars in your sign and Mercury retrograde in Cancer have a difficult month in store for your love life. You will not be on the same wavelength as anyone around you… To make matters worse, your brain and body will want two completely different things! Be completely honest with yourself, and figure out what you’re really looking for as quickly as you can.


The Sun and Mercury in Cancer will stimulate your intuition and creative skills. You will come up with plenty of clever ways to move your career to the next levels and give your income of boost. You could enjoy getting back in touch with someone you’ve always liked: reconnect as friend, to begin with…


Venus in Cancer will have great news for those of you who are single. You could meet someone special or get closer to an existing friend of yours. You will enjoy meeting new faces this summer, whether you stay at home or go travelling. You simply hate being alone, especially when you have time off… Could you be a bit of a workaholic?


The Sun in Virgo will put the stress on your partner and encourage you to pay more attention to their needs. September is traditionally an incredibly busy month, and 2020 will be no different… Impressively organized, your little family would be so lost without you at this time of the year!


Venus in Virgo will highlight your devoted and selfless nature. Always putting yourself last isn’t healthy, especially on the love front! The sooner you realize that you’re responsible for your own happiness too the better. It’s about time you started loving yourself as much as you love others, my Pisces friend…


The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio will make you feel like exploring new horizons this November. Travel to a mystical and spiritual place on the other side of the world if you can. You feel like your priorities are changing: you’re ready to move your life in a completely different direction before the end of the year!


Jupiter and Saturn moving to Aquarius will encourage you to listen to what your subconscious is trying to tell you during the next few months. Have you ever thought about paying a hypnotist a visit? You will look for all kinds of ways to find out more about who you are as a person. You’re desperate to reconnect with your inner self!
