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Pisces 2021 Horoscope


Pisces 2021 Horoscope


Mercury won’t bode well with your profile. The planet will chat while Pisces keeps silent. It’ll offer you other means of expression to display your ambitions, share your feelings or express your emotions. Focus on your goals, as they’ll be important for 2021.


With four planets in your shadow zone, it won’t be about sitting idly and moving forward without taking initiatives. Combine combativeness and humility. Be persistent without wanting to control fate, so that your lucky star shows you the best path.


Mercury will put communication at the heart of your relations. New contacts will come along. There will be more room for projects, but you’ll need to be patient. Your love life will resume promising colors, so express your feelings without any false modesty.


Until the 14th, don’t open up your heart an inch. Venus in Aries, in its cavalier manners will throw you off balance and a promise may not last long. On the positive side, you’ll have the elements in hand to negotiate well. In terms of professional life, you’ll take on the tasks you’re given.


Mars in Cancer will convince you to explore your creative potential. Administrative success will be on the agenda and you may sign a contract which could top up your income. Jupiter in your sign will activate your luck capital. Your unique ideas will seduce your partner.


You’ll get the chance to find your bearings or at least set new ones. Time will turn into a key ally to harmonize some sectors of your life. Mars in Leo will use all its energy in your professional sector and you’ll come across major progress and some windfall.


Mercury in Cancer will provide you with a genuine breather. The planet of communication will ask you to talk openly. You’ll express your feelings, confide your fears. In terms of your professional life, Mars will high light you with the aim of boosting your career.


With Venus in Libra, the balance will be perfect to combine the verb love with the present and share relishing moments. The verb turns into the future if you come across love. Not too quickly, Saturn will favor caution more than recklessness. In terms of your job, you’ll find allies to dig other leads.


Mercury will get active and you’ll have a great chance at coming across a good deal. Smart calculations, skillful negotiations and things are on track for September. The planet will also make things easy when you need to adapt to a new team. In your love life, you’ll be on cloud nine.


Mars in Libra will take over the reins in the financial sector with results leading to a signature, projects which last and benefits. Plan on an organizational change too with the opportunity to get a promotion. In your family, one will call upon your advise, which you’ll give with pleasure.


November will suit you like a glove with Mercury and Mars, who’ll join Sun in Scorpio. New energy will enliven you to confront the difficulties and transform these into rich and positive experiences. Your credibility will be at its peak, you’ll make the most of this and move your pawns ahead.


With Mars in Sagittarius, if you haven’t already left, you’re going to soon take off. Something new will come up in the social realm and inner renewal too. You’ll feel exhilarated for a life which suits you better. Jupiter’s enters your sign on 29th December and grants your wish.
